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Photography Secrets - How To Capture Kids

Photography Secrets - How To Capture Kids
By Dan Feildman

The field of child photography is challenging but also both enjoyable and profitable - if you like children. Don't bother pretending, if you really don't. You may fool a parent - but not the little one.

Some of the most common techniques used in photography will not necessarily work when taking pictures of children. Telling a child to "freeze or "hold it will not make much sense to them. Children will often do as they please so it is the job of the photographer to anticipate what a child is about to do and be ready to capture it.

Photographing children takes a special skill, as most children (depending on age) will not always do what you ask of them. As a photographer, you need to know and understand that children will not always be cooperative just because they are going to have their picture taken. Photographing children may require a great deal of imagination on your part to get them to do what you need in order to capture a great picture. Sometimes, you may have to trick them into doing what you want them to do. Use whatever means necessary to get the shots you need.

Before even beginning a photo session with a child (or children), you have some work to do. First, you need to make sure you know your camera inside and out. You then need to know what role you play in getting the best pictures possible. The child or children you are photographing will require 100% of your undivided attention- you have to ask yourself if you're capable of delivering that. You won't have any opportunities for wasted time- a child won't stand for it. They have very little attention spans and what they do have, they will be watching you to see that you are focused on them at all times. If you try and get the pictures as fast as possible, that won't work either; the key for that all important photograph is getting the child's cooperation.

Know your subjects - With children, you must expect the unexpected. At different ages children are capable of doing different things. The more you know what they typically do during some of these stages, the better images you are going to capture. And the happier you make your clients - which, in turn, makes you financially happy.

Photographing children will yield a fantastic array of poses: you can expect multiple expressions, behaviors and poses all in one session. You likely will never get the same when photographing other subjects; children are unique in this regard and the more you know about handling them when taking their picture, the better shots you will get. Kids come in all shapes and sizes. It is important to know the child's limitations and not push them past them. Don't expect a 6-month-old baby to have the stamina of a 2-year-old. Learn to appreciate the differences in children for taking great photographs.

Listening to the parent can help toward a successful session. You can learn specific things about their child that will make it or break it: Are they afraid of certain things or sounds? What are their special likes? Do they like books? How comfortable are they with a stranger approaching them? You do NOT want to spook a little one; the scheduled time may not allow for you to win their confidence.

Be ready with that camera when you first introduce something new -you do not get a second chance to get first reactions!

Forget about the use of a tripod in a photo session with a child- it will only get in the way especially as things start to happen quickly. Make sure your camera is on a fast shutter speed (to prevent blurring) at all times; you never know what a child is going to do next and you must be ready to capture it no matter what.

Child photography allows for close-up portraits as well as the child engaged in some activity - taking their socks off - in a box / tub with toys - climbing on or out of something. There is really no limit. As you continue to gain experience in working with children of various ages you will become more adept at learning what typically works with different age groups.

There is no question that photographing children is a challenge. And just when you might start to feel comfortable doing it, along comes a new challenge - multiple subjects. Dealing with twins, triplets, etc. will really test your skills as child photographer! But don't worry, this is part of the job and over time you will learn tricks to keeping all your subjects engaged.

Parents can be quite helpful during the photo session. Children often are more confident with a parent nearby. Also, do not overlook the value of older brother and sisters. They have a relationship with the little one like no one else! Often they can get their little brother or sister to giggle, make faces, hold things and a host of other things that may be exactly what you need. Plus, you have the opportunity of including more subjects in the photos, which translates into a larger photo package for the customer!

Parents and older brothers and sisters can can be of great assistance in a photo session with children. Children more often than not feel more comfortable when a parent and/or sibling is nearby. Siblings can often entice a child to laugh or make a face, enabling you to capture a better picture. In addition, parents may decide they want to include the sibling (or siblings) in the pictures ultimately allowing you to increase the photo package for the client. Tips for capturing children on film:

Take your act on the road - You can do child photography at the park - on the beach - in the backyard, just as easily as in a studio or home - maybe more so - and nature will take care of the lighting for you, as long as you select open shade.

Continue to use your creativity to its capacity when it comes to photographing children: don't stay in the studio unless you are required to. Try out different venues particularly outside. If you do, you won't have to worry about lighting- nature will provide it all for you. Think about what makes a child happy: toys, stuffed animals, puppets, candy. Use these props to your advantage when photographing children. Make sure to keep these types of things on hand that can be used at any time to capture the child's attention.

About the Author:

8:02 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Digital Photo Guide - Tips For Photographing Wildlife

Digital Photo Guide - Tips For Photographing Wildlife
By Dan Feildman
wildlife photography tips

To get good shots of animals and birds, you will have to learn to be quick in setting up and framing your shots. Waiting until you get out in the wilderness to learn these tricks is not a good idea. What I found to be very helpful was practicing on my cats and on birds in my yard or local parks. You learn to anticipate their behavior and react fast to get the good shots. Here are some tips on how to get the best shots of animals and birds in the wild.

Before setting out, practice taking shots of moving targets. By learning how to pan the camera to capture a moving target, it will allow you to get the best possible shots.

Always keep your camera at the ready - unexpected things can happen when out in the wild. If using a digital camera, make sure it has enough memory and is fully charged. Ensuring you have batteries on hand is also a must.

Before you go into an area, read up on what kinds of animals and birds are commonly found there. Learn all you can about these animals and birds. This will help you know where to look to find them and what kinds of behavior to expect.

You need to learn to walk and move stealthily, like a cat, when out in the wild looking for animals and birds to photograph. One wrong move and you will scare the wildlife off.

All of your senses will become more important then ever when out photographing wildlife. You need to use your eyes to observe what's going on around you, your ears so as to detect movement and sounds, and even your nose to try and smell an animal that could be right there [beside you] but is in hiding. A heightened awareness of where you are and what your intentions are will enhance the wildlife photography shoot.

The use of telephoto lenses is a must when shooting wildlife. A telephoto lense is the best thing to have to bring you in as close as possible to the intended target without scaring it away. By the same token, a tripod is not always a necessity. If you're lucky enough to have an abundance of light and have practised enough in advance, you will be able to take pictures at a fast shutter speed thereby eliminating shaking of the camera. You can also invest in a camera equipped with a telephoto lense that has vibration reduced technology, but keep in mind these are considerably more expensive to buy.

For the best shots, it is imperative to put the sharpest focus on the eyes of animals or birds.

When photographing small animals, the best photographs are taken from a lower angle.

The best times of the day for both viewing and photographing wildlife are early mornings or just before dark; it is at this time where the light is the most dramatic and animals are most active.

Take full advantage of all the natural light when out photographing wildlife. Keep the sun at your back as much as possible, so it's light will be the focus right on the subject you are photographing.

Using all these tips will help you improve your nature photography. The very most important thing is practice, practice, practice and don't forget to enjoy yourself!

About the Author:

7:19 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Tips on how to Promote your Stock Photography

Tips on how to Promote your Stock Photography
By Amos Navarro
Stock photography tips

This should easily boost your chances of doing photography sales. A search on a few stock photo agencies internet sites says they are enthusiastic for their photographers to "...provide something strange or wanted... and it will make one of the most downloaded pages."

To put it differently, never create pictures 'the same' as almost every other photographer. Ensure that your unique, individual style lets your photos be noticeable, and at the same time take heed to just what the stock agency really needs.

Another easy solution to realize marketing stock photography results is by likely to photo agency or stock libraries internet websites looking at kinds of images they've already, showcase, employ then sell... all the time. Search for the type and styles of pictures that they can choose. Can there be selected image themes which get downloaded (sold) often? What exactly styles apparently sell regularly?

Verify if you'll find photographs much like that which you develop, or check the downloads section... the micro stock sites usually explain to you present a picture has become downloaded... naturally, the more the better, meaning it's widely used (more cash for the photographer). Just ask yourself this: "Could I create images like this..?"

Being trustworthy with yourself and your abilities as a photographer is very important... It's actually a hugely decision to submit photos to stock photo web sites... you absolutely do ought to just how probable will it be that I can make sales thru this? And also, can it be the very best usage of my photos and time?

When you can stay open minded with what themes you shoot (particularly with the fantastic flexibility of shooting digital photography), while focusing on tapping into 'what the market wants' then you definitely may find that your particular unique little way of selling stock photography keeps photo buyers happy therefore you in profit. Go for it.

About the Author:

3:33 PM | 0 comments | Read More

TIPS: Angel of View

Memotret dari sudut bawah ke atas akan memberikan kesan besar/kuat/perkasa pada subjek. Sedangkan kesan kecil atau lemah akan terasa jika Anda memotret subjek dari sudut atas.
9:05 AM | 0 comments | Read More

TIPS: Memotret Anak

Jongkok, berlutut atau membungkuk sehingga kamera Anda sejajar dengan mata anak. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan seluruh wajah anak dalam foto. Melakukan hal ini memberikan solusi sederhana untuk mendapatkan foto yang lebih baik.
9:41 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Istilah Fotografi: Bokeh

Dalam fotografi, istilah bokeh adalah area blur (out of focus) diluar titik fokus (depth of field - DOF) dalam foto. Dua gambar dibawah ini menunjukan kualitas bokeh yang berbeda.

Bokeh (dalam kedua foto diatas) adalah bulatan-bulatan putih diluar area fokus yang terbentuk dari cahaya pada lubang-lubang dari sela dedaunan di pohon.
Kedua foto diatas diambil dengan kamera dan lensa yang sama, namun menghasilkan gambar yang berbeda. Pada foto pertama (kiri), bokeh yang dihasilkan cenderung bulat (lebih bagus/soft) dari pada foto kedua (kanan). Kondisi ini disebabkan karena pada foto pertama bukaan diafragma yang digunakan lebih lebar (f2.8) daripada foto kedua (f4), dan dipengaruhi juga dengan banyaknya blades lensa . Semakin banyak blade yang dimiliki oleh lensa, semakin lembut pula bokeh yang dihasilkan. Pada foto diatas dapat diketahui bahwa lensa yang digunakan memiliki 8 blade, bokeh berbentuk hexagon (8 sisi) pada foto kedua.

Blur dalam foto (bokeh) akan muncul jika kita menggunakan lensa dengan bukaan diafragma lebar, atau bisa juga dengan menempatkan titik fokus (objek utama) pada jarak yang lebih dekat dengan lensa dan jarak background yang lebih jauh dari pada jarak lensa ke objek utama.

Dengan menggunakan aksesoris tambahan, bokeh juga bisa berbentuk lain.

Bentuk bintang dan love pada kedua foto diatas adalah penampakan dari blur lampu-lampu (bokeh). Kedua foto tersebut dibuat dengan menggunakan filter buatan sendiri (DIY filter) dari kertas. Jika teman-teman ingin tahu caranya, akan saya berikan tutorial cara membuatnya.

8:47 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Sharing Your Digital Photos With Family And Friends

Sharing Your Digital Photos With Family And Friend
By Dan Feildman

Let's say you've taken a bunch of beautiful digital photos and you want to share them with friends and family. What's the best way to do this? There are many options, from printing and burning onto CDs or DVDs, to emailing and uploading the photos.

Lets walk through some of the best ways to share your cherished digital photo collection. Knowing these options, sharing your photos with others is simple to do. There are basically four main ways to share digital photos:

In the tradition of film-based photography, you can always share your pictures with a hard-copy printout. All that is required is a good photo printer and some quality printing paper. I normally print my photos from an inkjet printer (the Canon Pixma iP4000) using glossy photo paper. I get are very high quality prints from this, indistinguishable from those from the photo-mat.

If you don't have a printer available, you can still count on a photo kiosk to do the job, or even transmit your pictures to an online photo print website. These websites typically print your pictures and deliver them to your doorstep. Make sure to shop for the best value first as many digital photo printing services are expensive.

A very good option for sharing photos is storing them on CD and DVD, especially if you have a massively large photo collection. The hitch, of course, is that your family and friends have to have a CD player or DVD player to view the images.

These days, CD burners and DVD burners are very affordable. A single CD-R stores 650MB and a DVD stores 4GB. That is an amazing amount of storage space for your photo collection.

Another option for sharing photos is to email them to a friend or family member. Be careful though; make sure the receiver would like to receive the photos first. Overloading him or her with a 10MB email containing photo attachments might not be appreciated. Always check for the go ahead before you hit send.

A good option to emailing photos is to upload your photos to a website, then email the website link to your friends or family. This avoids the issue of large email attachments.

Since one of the best means in sharing digital photos is to upload them to a website, there are many online photo storage sites are now out there. SmugMug is one of my favorite photo sharing sites. It allows you to upload photo albums and decide who can view those albums.

There are limitations to using photo sharing websites. Some charge a fee for their services, while others require that you to order prints to keep your account active. Also, you also not be able to personalize the appearance of the website easily.

My personal advice is to set up your own web site to host your own picture gallery. If you're searching for a good web hosting company, try Yahoo! web hosting. I've used them myself for a number of years problem-free and their customer support is excellent.

There are various ways to share your digital photos with friends and family. Personally, I tend to burn my images to CD or DVD and pass them around. I also like uploading images to websites for all to see. Do try one of the above techniques the next time you want to share photos!

About the Author:

7:11 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lomba Foto Sadar Wisata 2012 (deadline 24 Agustus 2012)

Ketentuan Lomba Umum

1. Tidak dipungut biaya dan Terbuka untuk umum (Panitia dan Dewan Juri tidak diperkenankan mengikuti lomba)

2. Foto yang diperlombakan harus mengangkat salah satu atau lebih unsur dari Sapta Pesona, yaitu: Aman, Tertib, Bersih, Sejuk, Indah, Ramah, & Kenangan

3. Jumlah foto peserta dibatasi maksimal 5 foto.

4. Foto merupakan karya pribadi (bukan karya orang lain), dan belum pernah diikutsertakan dalam lomba manapun.

5. Rekayasa digital diizinkan sebatas sama dengan yang biasa dilakukan dalam kamar gelap fotografi film

6. Lokasi pemotretan harus di obyek dan dayatarik wisata di seluruh Indonesia

Kriteria Rekayasa Digital

1. Dodging & burning (mengoreksi gelap terangnya pencahayaan) diperbolehkan seminimal mungkin

2. Penggunaan teknik ruang gelap digital hanya untuk membantu mengatur kisaran tone dinamis dari sebuah foto agar mendekati kenyataan.

3. Pengolahan gambar yang menghasilkan foto berbeda dengan realitas (terlalu kontras, posterisasi, dll) tidak diizinkan.

4. Membuat foto hitam putih diperbolehkan.

5. Pemotongan (cropping) diperbolehkan.

6. Tidak diperkenankan mengirimkan gambar berupa kombinasi lebih dari satu foto atau menghilangkan/menambahkan atau merubah elemen-elemen dalam satu foto. Sebuah foto harus dihasilkan hanya dari satu jepretan (one shoot)


1. Foto cetak ukuran sisi panjang minimum 30 cm dan menyerahkan file digital dengan sisi panjang minimum 3000 pixel disimpan dalam format JPG medium (minimum skala 6) dalam bentuk CD. Format nama file digital: namapeserta~judul~lokasipemotretran. Foto digital harus masih mengandung data: informasi dasar, seperti exposure, tanggal dan kamera yang dipakai.

2. Dibalik foto harus dilekatkan kertas yang memuat data: Judul foto; Nama dan Alamat pemotret; No. Telp dan Hp; Peristiwa dan lokasi foto dan data teknis.

3. Semua karya foto dimasukkan ke dalam amplop tertutup dan di sudut kiri atas amplop ditulis Lomba Foto Sadar Wisata 2012

4. Foto dapat diantar langsung pada hari kerja atau dikirim ke Sekretariat Panitia Lomba,

Gedung Sapta Pesona Lt. 4
Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat no.17 Jakarta 10110
selambat-lambatnya diterima panitia tanggal 24 Agustus 2012

1. Foto yang masuk akan dinilai oleh Dewan Juri pada tanggal 4 September 2012

2. Panitia berhak mendiskualifikasi peserta sebelum dan sesudah penjurian apabila dianggap melakukan kecurangan

3. Keputusan Dewan Juri sah dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat


1. Foto pemenang lomba akan dipamerkan tanggal 27 s.d. 30 September 2012 dan nama pemenang serta penyerahan hadiah dilakukan pada hari terakhir pameran.

2. 100 karya foto nominasi akan dipamerkan

3. Semua foto pemenang lomba menjadi milik Panitia dan Panitia berhak menggunakan sebagai bahan publikasi pariwisata, tanpa harus meminta izin terlebih dahulu.

4. Peserta yang fotonya tidak menang akan dikirim kembali apabila menyertakan amplop berperangko yang cukup dan beralamat lengkap peserta

1. Panitia akan melakukan segala tindakan yang diperlukan untuk melindungi karya peserta, namun Panitia tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan atau kehilangan yang timbul selama pengiriman dan pameran

Official Page
3:10 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Canon Resmi Mengumumkan Kamera Mirrorless Pertamanya, EOS M

Akhirnya, Canon resmi mengumumkan kamera mirrorless pertamanya.
Terinspirasi  oleh teknologi EOS, Canon telah mengembangkan produk terbarunya  EOS M.
Dilengkapi dengan teknologi sensor CMOS dan prosesor DIGIC 5, kamera ini mampu memberikan kualitas perekaman video yang tinggi. Hal ini didukung dengan Movie Servo AF dan lensa STM yang memberikan continuous autofokus yang lembut dan sunyi.

Canon juga meluncurkan dua buah lensa pendamping yaitu Canon EF-M 22mm f/2 STM dan EF-M 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM.
Di Amerika, EOS M di banderol dengan harga $800 termasuk lensa EF-M 22mm f2 STM, sedang di Indonesia kabarnya baru akan beredar pada Oktober 2012.

Sayangnya, lensa EF dan EF-S Canon tidak dapat langsung ditancapkan ke body kamera. Untuk dapat menggunakan nya Canon akan menjual mount adapter secara terpisah.

  • EOS Full HD Movie mode with Movie Servo AF for continuous focus tracking of moving subjects, manual exposure control and multiple resolution and frame rates, built-in stereo microphone, manual audio level adjustment, and Video Snapshot with editing for expanded video shooting options.
  • 18.0 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensor, ISO 100-6400 (expandable to 12800 in H mode) for video recording, ISO 100-12800 (expandable to 25600 in H mode) for still image shooting from bright to dim light and high performance DIGIC 5 Image Processor for exceptional image quality in video and photos.
  • Hybrid CMOS AF delivers fast autofocus speed for video and photos.
  • Touch Screen 3.0-inch Clear View LCD monitor II (approximately 1,040,000 dots) with smudge-resistant coating features multi-touch operation and Touch AF for an easy and intuitive experience and clear viewing when outdoors.
  • Compatible with the full line of Canon EF and EF-S lenses (Optional Mount Adapter EF-EOS M is required) for expanded creativity.
  • Scene Intelligent Auto mode delivers expertly optimized photos and improved scene detection for amazing results when shooting at night.
  • Advanced imaging features like Handheld Night Scene mode, HDR Backlight Control mode, and seven Creative Filters provide added versatility.
  • Multi Shot Noise Reduction provides outstanding noise reduction while preserving precious detail in photos at high ISO speeds.
  • Compatibility with SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards, including new Ultra High Speed (UHS-I) cards. 
 Untuk spesifikasi dan detail selengkapnya, kunjungi situs Canon

2:49 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lomba Foto Esai dan Foto Tunggal (deadline 15 September)

Setiap 28 Oktober Yayasan Abad Demokrasi akan menggalakkan Gerakan Anti Diskriminasi, dengan berbagai acara pementasan, pameran, dan lomba seni, termasuk lomba foto esai.
Semua karya terbaik dari lomba foto  akan dipamerkan di Teater Jakarta, pada tanggal 25-28 Oktober 2012, bersamaan dengan pementasan “Sapu tangan Fang Yin” oleh Teater Mandiri Putu Wijaya.

Tema Lomba
Indonesia tanpa Diskriminasi
Indonesia tanpa diskriminasi adalah tema besar dari buku “Atas Nama Cinta” karya Denny JA. Buku itu bersisi lima judul puisi esai dengan tema yang diturunkan dari  tema besar besar tersebut (  Lomba foto esai ini –dan sejumlah lomba lain yang diselenggarakan panitia yang sama—juga mengambil tema yang serupa.
Peserta silakan memilih salah satu subtema dari lima subtema di bawah ini  untuk dituangkan dalam bentuk karya foto, yaitu:
  1. Diskrimansi beradasarkan etnik (tema dari Sapu Tangan Fang Yin)
  2. Diskriminasi berdasarkan aliran agama (tema dari Romi dan Juli dari Cikeusik)
  3. Diskriminasi terhadap perempuan (tema dari Minah akhirnya Digantung)
  4. Diskrimansi karena orientasi sex (tema dari Kisah Cinta terlarang Robin dan Batman)
  5. Diskrimansi karena berbeda agama (tema dari Cinta yang Tertunda)
Setiap peserta lomba silakan menerjemahkan lima subtema di atas secara bebas dalam karya foto esai atau foto tunggal
Ketentuan Lomba Umum
  1. Terbuka untuk Warga Negara Indonesia (Panitia dan Dewan Juri tidak diperkenankan mengikuti lomba)
  2. Foto yang dilombakan harus mengangkat salah satu atau lebih unsur tema
  3. Jumlah foto peserta tidak dibatasi.
  4. Foto merupakan karya pribadi (bukan karya orang lain), dan belum pernah diikutsertakan dalam lomba mana pun.
  5. Peserta boleh mengoreksi gelap terang pencahayaan (Dodging & burning)
  6. Pengolahan gambar scara digital yang menghasilkan foto berbeda dengan realitas (terlalu kontras, posterisasi, dll) tidak diizinkan.
  7. Membuat foto hitam putih diperbolehkan.
  8. Pemotongan (cropping) diperbolehkan.
  9. Tidak diperkenankan mengirimkan gambar berupa kombinasi lebih dari satu foto atau menghilangkan/menambahkan atau mengubah elemen dalam satu foto. Sebuah foto harus dihasilkan hanya dari satu jepretan (one shoot)
  1. Materi lomba diserahkan dalam bentuk file  digital dengan sisi panjang minimum 3000 pixel (format JPG medium, minimum skala 6)
  2. Foto dikirim ke alamat email
  3.  Peserta juga diizinkamengirim foto dalam dalam bentuk CD, kirim ke panitia lomba: Yayasan Abad Demokrasi, Jl R.E. Martadinata No 19, Ciputat, Tangerang 15411.

  1. Pengirimam Foto paling lambat diterima panitia tanggal 15 September 2012
  2. Panitia berhak mendiskualifikasi peserta sebelum dan sesudah penjurian apabila dianggap melakukan kecurangan
  3. Keputusan Dewan Juri sah dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  4. Dewan Juri akan diketuai oleh Arbain Rambey, dari harian Kompas.
  1. Kategori foto esai
  • Pemenang 1, Rp. 15.000.000.
  • Pemenang 2,  Rp. 12.500.000.
  • Pemenang 3, Rp. 10.000.000.
  • pemenang 1 Rp. 10.000.000
  • pemenang  2, Rp. 7.500.000
  • pemenang 3 Rp. 5.000.000
  1. Kategori foto tunggal
  1. Semua foto pemenang lomba menjadi milik Panitia dan Panitia berhak menggunakan sebagai bahan publikasi Indonesia tanpa diskriminasi dalam semua bentuk media,  tanpa harus meminta izin terlebih dahulu.
  2. Semua karya foto yang menang –dan sejumlah foto lain yang dipilih—akan dipamerkan pada acara “Pekan Indonesia tanpa Diskriminasi”, di Jakarta, 24-28 Oktober 2012.
  3. Pemenang lomba foto akan diumumkan melalui akun twitter @dennyja_world
11:58 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Nikon Asia - Photo Contest (deadline 25 Juli)

Create and share your best COOLPIX inspired photos with us, Tell your friends about it! The more “likes” you receive, the greater the chance it will be featured as the ALBUMS OF THE WEEK. The best 20 photos (selected by NIKON’s judges) will be featured in a NIKON ad in National Geographic Magazine. Winners will also receive a tote bag Customized with their winning photo!

  • From now until July 25, share your story by creating your own album.
  • Tell your friends about it! The more “likes” you receive, the greater the chance it will be featured as the ALBUMS OF THE WEEK.
  • The best 20 photos (selected by NIKON’s judges) will be featured in a NIKON ad in National Geographic Magazine. Winners will also receive a tote bag Customized with their winning photo!
Eligibility: Asia only, 18+
Free to Enter
Prizes: Album of the Week by public voting and at the end of the 4th week, the best 20 photos selected by the judges, will also appear in a special Nikon National Geographic ad magazine ad! Winners will receive an exclusive tote bag customized with their selected photo.

Limit: You can submit 3-9 photos for each album.

After submission, your photo will first go through an approval process and will NOT appear on the web gallery page immediately. Nikon panel will review your photo and approve or reject it within 48 hours. Within this period, you can visit the web gallery to check the approval status. Upon approval, the photo will be available on the site for you to like and share with your friends. Please note that you will NOT receive any notification email if your photo is rejected.

11:50 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Nikon D5100 Vs D7000 - A Comparison

By Jen Thomas

The Nikon D5100 vs D7000, are both digital SLR cameras from Nikon. Both these cameras are wonderful cameras, with several similarities and several differences. Which one of these is best for you depends on various factors, such as how much you want to spend, what features are key for you, and so on.

The D5100 is one of Nikon's more recent cameras, and was introduced in April 2011. It is a fabulous camera, and has a horizontal swing out, vari-angle monitor for more flexible viewing. It also has full-HD movie recording functionality. This is the first Nikon digital-SLR camera to offer Special Effects mode.

The D7000 came out in the last quarter of 2010. The features emphasized included the 16.2 effective megapixels CMOS sensor. The weather-resistant and anti-dust capabilities are superior, and the camera has numerous focus points.

Let's pit these cameras against each other directly and see which one is the best for you. The D5100 is priced at around $549 (without a lens), while the D7000 is available at around $1099. So the D7000 costs more than the D5100. Is the additional price tag worth it?

Let's see what advantages the D7000 provides over the D5100. For one thing, the battery life on the D7000 is longer. Also, the D7000 has more focus points (39 focus points) than the D5100 (which has 11 focus points). So it will be easier to have it focus on your subject of interest. In addition, this camera is more weather and dust resistant. So if you are planning on capturing pictures in really dusty outdoor locations, the D7000 maybe more suitable. The continuous frame capture rate for the Nikon D7000 is 6 frames per second. This is as opposed to four frames per second captured by the D5100. This faster continuous frame capture rate can give you an edge when capturing fast paced events such as sports. A second memory card slot in the D7000 is a desirable feature. There is also no internal auto-focus motor on the D5100, so some older lenses will not auto-focus on this camera. One more thing--the D7000 has more dedicated controls for extra features.

Let's now take a look at whether the D5100 offers any advantages over the D7000. Here's the elephant in the room -- it's a whole lot cheaper!! Apart from the lower price tag, Nikon's D5100 also has some other features that are equal to or better than its more expensive cousin. Interestingly, the image sensor used for the two cameras is apparently the same. Moreover, the D5100 is smaller and lighter. One more plus-- its LCD is a horizontal swing out, vari-angle monitor for better viewing.

Ultimately of course, a lot of the picture quality of the photos captured with is going to depend upon what lenses you buy. But regardless, these key comparisons made above will hopefully make your decision about which camera to buy easier.

About the Author:

3:34 PM | 1 comments | Read More

Battle Of Canon 70-200 L

10:05 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Canon EOS 650D Bikin Alergi ?

Canon telah mengeluarkan peringatan kepada pemilik EOS 650D/Rebel T4i bahwa karet pegangan tangan dari beberapa model mungkin akan menjadi putih, dan menghasilkan bahan kimia yang dapat menyebabkan alergi. Menurut Canon, zat kimia zinc bis (N, n'-dimethyldithiocarbamate) tidak digunakan dalam produksi kamera, tetapi merupakan potensi dari produk sampingan yang menyebabkan reaksi kimia antara zat lain yang ditemukan di karet genggaman tangan. Canon telah mengidentifikasi sejumlah kamera di mana sejumlah besar dari akselerator karet digunakan dalam produksi, yang berpotensi menyebabkan reaksi kimia.

Canon telah membuat sebuah situs web di mana Anda dapat memeriksa apakah model anda terpengaruh. Klik disini dan masukkan nomor seri kamera anda untuk mengetahui apakah kamera Anda dari seri yang terkena.

Menurut Canon USA, beberapa kamera EOS 650D/Rebel T4i yang diproduksi antara 31 Mei sampai 15 Juni mungkin akan terpengaruh oleh reaksi kimia ini, yang menyebabkan pegangan tangan dari kamera bisa menjadi putih. Zinc bis, substansi yang dihasilkan oleh reaksi kimia dapat menyebabkan alergi pada beberapa orang, dan sebagai langkah pencegahan Canon menyarankan pemilik kamera yang terkena untuk mencuci tangan dengan air setelah memegang kamera.
5:16 PM | 2 comments | Read More

Cara Membersihkan Sensor Kamera

Cara membersihkan sensor kamera. Sensor kamera adalah bagian yang sangat vital pada kamera. Apabila terdapat kotoran atau jamur maka akan mempengaruhi hasil foto. Berikut adalah contoh pengaruh sensor yang kotor pada foto (perhatikan warna hitam di kanan tanda panah pada kedua foto).
9:55 PM | 2 comments | Read More

Memilih Lensa DSLR Sesuai Kebutuhan

Memiih lensa dslr sesuai kebutuhan. Bagaimana memilih lensa dslr? Pilihlah  lensa dslr sesuai kebutuhan dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Salah satu keunggulan kamera DSLR adalah lensa yang bisa diganti sesuai kebutuhan.
1:33 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lomba foto 1000 Mata Jakarta Membaca (deadline 31 Juli)

Dalam rangka pemilihan Abang dan None Buku 2012, IKANOBU DKI Jakarta mengadakan:

 Lomba foto 1000 mata Jakarta Membaca

Syarat dan Ketentuan:

  1. Peserta merupakan Mahasiswa dan Pelajar SMA, SMP Sederajat
  2. Menggunakan kamera digital dan sejenis.
  3. Tema foto “Reading for Future”
  4. Format foto .jpg/.jpeg, tanpa watermark, dengan ukuran sisi terpendek minimal 1600 pixel dengan resolusi 300 dpi.
  5. Menyertakan data dalam file Doc: Nama Peserta, Nomor telpon, Sekolah/universitas, Nomor pelajar/mahasiswa, Judul dan Artikel singkat seputar masing-masing foto.
  6. Foto dan data diri dikirimkan lewat email ke
  7. Biaya pendaftaran Rp. 25.000 per 2 foto, ditransfer via rekening bank BCA setelah peserta mengirimkan foto ke email kami
  8. Nomor pendaftaran akan disertakan dengan total biaya pendaftaran yang akan kami kirimkan lewat sms, bersamaan dengan nomor rekening kami. Contoh, pengirim foto pertama akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp. 25.001, ke dua Rp. 25.002 dan seterusnya.
  9. Batas akhir pengumpulan foto tanggal 31 July 2012. (update)
  10. 200 foto terbaik akan ditampilkan dalam pameran fotografi 1000 Mata Jakarta Membaca, pada tanggal 19 – 30 september 2012 di Gallery Cipta II Kompleks TIM.
Ketentuan Karya:
  1. Karya foto merupakan karya sendiri dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
  2. Karya foto tidak dapat diwakilkan.
  3. Adapun pelanggaran terhadap karya foto yang menyebabkan keterkaitan secara hukum dengan pihak lain adalah tanggung jawab peserta.
  4. Hak cipta karya foto yang dilombakan dan dipamerkan sepenuhnya masih atas nama peserta.
  5. Panitia berhak menggunakan karya foto untuk keperluan publikasi dan pameran 1000 Mata Jakarta Membaca.
  6. Apabila peserta melanggara ketentuan otomatis, karya foto akan didiskualifikasi.
Total hadiah jutaan rupiah, hadiah hiburan dan sertifikat
Informasi Selengkapnya lihat disini

10:14 PM | 0 comments | Read More

2012 APFP-SEApeat Photography Contest (Deadline: 30 September 2012)

Lomba foto khusus Asia Tenggara:
Juara 1 USD 1,000 + EOS 60D & EF-S 18-200 IS
Juara 2 USD 500 + EOS 600D & EF-S 18-135 IS
Juara 3 USD 250 + EOS 1100D & EF-S 18- 55 IS
Hadiah hiburan untuk 10 peserta terpilih @ Canon IXUS 240 HS
Popular 1 USD 300
Popular 2 USD 200
Popular 3 100

Cara pendaftaran dan info selengkapnya 

8:29 AM | 0 comments | Read More